A character may choose from 19 possible castes. However, some castes are not available to certain races. The tables listed below show which castes are available to the various races and benefits/penalties they receive.
Some classes may seem initialy very similar and to a degree that is the case. Often some castes start out much stronger early on than others, but will be outdistanced in the long run by more mundane castes.
As an example: Berzerkers and Fighters are very similar in capabilities, however Berzerkers begin much stronger than an ordinary fighter. The advantage of the fighter may soon become apparent as they advance in levels faster and will ultimately surpass any Berzerker in skill in combat. Keep this in mind when choosing castes.
See tables 1.0 - 1.5 in "Appendix of Tables"
Table 1.0 Race/Caste Possibilities
Table 1.1 Minimum Attributes by Caste
Table 1.4 Gender Adjustments
Table 1.5 Caste Stamina Table
Table 3.0 Caste Spell Casting Abilities
Warrior Castes
◊ Warriors - excel in the art of combat. They are second to none when it comes to physical combat with weapons.
◊ Armor and Weapons - may use any type with a very few exceptions.
◊ Attacks Per Round - will increase as they gain Skill Levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the Appendix.)
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound: 5% plus 1% per skill level. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
◊ Warriors - excel in the art of combat. Drilling exclusively in the art of melee weapons they excel at such tactics. They will not use missile weapons of any kind as they find them a cowardly way to do battle. They also shun bashing weapons such as maces.
◊ Armor and Weapons - may use any type of non missile bladed weapon with a few exceptions.
◊ Attacks Per Round - will increase as they gain Skill Levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the Appendix.)
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound: 2% plus 1% per skill level. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
18th Level - Shield From Hits: All damage from attacks will be reduced by 5 points to a minimum of 1 point of damage.
◊ Warriors - capable of entering a battle rage at any given moment, Berzerkers are one man wrecking crews. They refuse to use more sophisticated weapons in battle such as bows and other aimed weapons.
◊ Armor and Weapons - will not use any missile weapons and only light armor.
◊ Resistant to fire damage.
◊ Attacks Per Round - will increase as they gain Skill Levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the Appendix.)
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound: 2% plus 1% per skill level. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
Archer Castes
◊ Warriors, a special type of fighter - Skilled woodsmen, who excel in the use of missile weapons such as the bow.
◊ Armor and Weapons - May use padded, leather, or chain armor. Archers receive a Missile Adjustment of +15% to reflect their great skill at archery and will do extra damage above and beyond the normal damage with any missile weapon as they gain in skill levels.
◊ Attacks Per Round - will increase as they gain Skill Levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the Appendix.)
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound: 3% at all Skill Levels. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
◊ Starting at skill level 15 they gain the ability to caste very low level sorcerer spells.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
10th Level - Missile Shield. Immune to normal missile attacks.
◊ Warriors, a special type of fighter - Skilled woodsmen, who excel in the use of missile weapons such as the bow.
◊ Armor and Weapons - May use padded, leather, or chain armor. Marksman receive a Missile Adjustment of +20% to reflect their great skill at archery. In addition they gain in skill with missile weapons faster than an Archer but never gain the ability to cast low level sorcerer spells.
◊ Attacks Per Round - will increase as they gain Skill Levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the Appendix.)
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound: 5% at all Skill Levels. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
12th Level - Missile Shield. Immune to normal missile attacks.
Thieving Castes
Rogue (Uses Sorcerer Spells)
◊ Thieving is considered an honorable profession in the world of Realmz, or at least one that is tolerated. Rogues are actively sought out to engage in various activities best left to professionals. Capable of many tasks that no other character caste can perform, their abilities include: Disarm Traps, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, and Sneak Attacks.
◊ Agility is most important for a good Rogue. It would be a short life for a Rogue who went BUMP in the night.
◊ Rogues also have the special skill of reading languages to decipher old maps and instructions. This also includes the deciphering magical writing on scrolls. This lets them cast a spell from any magical scroll.
◊ Armor or Weapons - May wear robes, padded, or leather armor. Use only one-handed weapons, with the exception of bows. Not avid fighters.
◊ Capable of Sneak Attacks: 2% plus 1% per Skill Level. A weapon technique, difficult to learn, but deadly when mastered. If successfully executed, damage inflicted will be three times normal.
◊ Cast Low Level Spells - When a Rogue reaches the 15th skill level, they can begin to cast low level Sorcerer spells.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
8th Level - Invisibility: They are capable of breaking away from an enemy without getting attacked.
Bard (Uses Sorcerer Spells)
◊ Thieving is considered an honorable profession in the world of Realmz, or at least one that is tolerated. Bards are former rogues and cut purses that have achieved a social rank above that of the common man. Retaining most of the skills of their earlier days, they have shifted some attention towards the more physical arts such as combat.
◊ Bards also have the special skill of reading languages to decipher old maps and instructions. This also includes the deciphering magical writing on scrolls. This lets them cast a spell from any sorcerer scroll.
◊ Armor or Weapons - May wear robes, padded, leather or chain armor. More skilled with weapons than Rogues it takes them longer to gain the ability to cast low level sorcerer spells.
◊ Capable of Sneak Attacks : 5% at all skill levels. A weapon technique, difficult to learn, but deadly when mastered. If successfully executed, damage inflicted will be three times normal.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
15th Level - Invisibility: They are capable of breaking away from an enemy without getting attacked.
Assassin (Uses Sorcerer Spells)
◊ Skilled in the art of the quick kill, they excel at sneak attacks and crippling blows.
◊ Armor or Weapons - May wear robes and padded armor. Avid fighters when it comes to the techniques of causing crippling hits in a single blow.
◊ Capable of Sneak Attacks: 10% plus 1% per Skill Level. A weapon technique, difficult to learn, but deadly when mastered. If successfully executed, damage inflicted will be three times normal.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
15th Level - Invisibility: They are capable of breaking away from an enemy without getting attacked.
◊ Master of the Martial Arts. Astute in the use of the body as a weapon, and knowledgeable of all aspects of the body - both mental and physical. Always seeks an inner peace. Has an additional 10% resistance to mental attacks.
◊ More capable at some abilities such as Disarm Trap, Pick Lock and Pick Pocket than most other castes but still very modest in skill when compared to a Rogue.
◊ Armor and Weapons - May wear robes, gauntlets and cloaks. May wear only a few types of light armor protection. May also use their bare hands as effective tools of combat. At high Skill Levels they can do massive damage using nothing but hands and feet.
◊ Attacks Per Round - will increase as they gain Skill Levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the Appendix.)
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound: 5% plus 1% per skill level. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
5th Level - Permanent protection (1/2 damage) from mental-based spells.
10th Level - Permanent protection (1/2 damage) from chemical-based spells.
20th Level - Gain the ability to regenerate wounds.
◊ Hand-to-Hand Damage: Ranges at 2 x ability level plus 2 points.
1st level Monk does 2 x 1 + 2. Capable Range of Damage = 2 to 4 pts.
10th level Monk does 2 x 10 + 2. Capable Range of Damage = 2 to 22 pts.
15th level Monk does 2 x 15 + 2. Capable Range of Damage = 2 to 32 pts.
Religious Castes
Priest (Uses Priest Spells)
◊ Warrior-Priests, skilled both in the arts of war and the cloth. But, unlike Crusaders, they generally concentrate a greater amount of their time in the weaving of magic, which is derived from devotion to their deity. Therefore they are much more effective as a magical force in the party but are not as adept at physical combat as a Crusader.
◊ Capable of Turning Thus destroying or changing the alliance of Undead and lesser Demons, Daemons and Devils.
◊ Armor or Weapons - can wear any type of armor, but may use only blunt weapons.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
10th Level - Magic Aura. Makes it harder for an enemy to hit them and easier for them to hit an enemy.
25th Level - Protection From Foe. Creatures are easier to hit and have a harder time hitting the priest. Similar to Magic Aura but more powerful.
Cardinal (Uses Priest Spells)
◊ Priests, skilled in the arts of the cloth. Unlike Crusaders and Priests, they generally concentrate most of their time in the weaving of magic, which is derived from devotion to their deity. Therefore they are effective as a magical force in the party but are not as adept at physical combat as a Priest.
◊ Capable of Turning Thus destroying or changing the alliance of Undead and lesser Demons, Daemons and Devils. They initial start out strong in this area but do not gain skill at the same rate as a priest.
◊ Armor or Weapons - can wear most types of armor, but may use only blunt weapons.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
8th Level - Magic Aura. Makes it harder for an enemy to hit them and easier for them to hit an enemy.
15th Level - Protection From Foe. Creatures are easier to hit and have a harder time hitting the priest. Similar to Magic Aura but more powerful.
Magical Castes:
Sorcerer (Uses Sorcerer Spells)
◊ Use the arcane powers of magic to weave spells of a destructive nature. Most Sorcerer spells are offensive, rather than defensive in nature.
◊ Armor or Weapons - may use only three weapons in combat: the dagger, the staff, and the dart. They are not capable of wearing any armor that would hinder their movement, since fluid motion of the hands and arms is a must for spell casting. That leaves the Sorcerer with only robes and special magical items for protection.
◊ The Sorcerer's skill in combat with weapons is poor.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
25th Level - Absorbs Spell Energy From Attacks: When hit with magic spells, they can absorb some of the energy to recharge their own spell points.
Cabalist (Uses Sorcerer Spells)
◊ Spell-weavers. A special caste of Sorcerer that love to use magic in battle. Drawing on arcane magic as well as weaving magic from deities. More adept at the art of spell casting that Sorcerers, they are more feeble by far physically and in combat skills
◊ Armor or Weapons - Very limited.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
10th Level - Pro' from 1st level spells. Immune to harmful 1st level spells.
20th Level - Pro' from 2nd level spells. Immune to harmful 1st-2nd level spells.
30th Level - Pro' from 3rdt level spells. Immune to harmful 1st-3rd level spells.
Enchanter (Uses Enchanter Spells)
◊ Spell-weavers. A solitary and mysterious caste. Love to talk in riddles and guide a conversation rather than hold it. Draw on arcane magic as well as weaving magic from deities. They have some of the benefits and shortfalls of both Sorcerers and Priests.
◊ Specialize in Summoning spells, for creatures to aid the party in combat.
◊ Armor or Weapons - have a slightly better selection of weapons and armor to choose from than Sorcerers but are still very limited when compared to most castes.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
25th Level - Absorbs Spell Points: Will recharge spell points at a faster rate.
Evoker (Uses Enchanter Spells)
◊ Spell-weavers. A special caste of Enchanters that use the arcane powers of magic to weave spells of a destructive nature. Most Evoker spells are offensive, rather than defensive in nature. More powerful in the ways of magic than the Enchanters they are more feeble in body. Almost any attacker in close quarters with an Evoker can hack them to pieces in short order.
◊ Armor or Weapons - may use only two weapons in combat: the dagger and the staff. They are not capable of wearing any armor that would hinder their movement, since fluid motion of the hands and arms is a must for spell casting. That leaves the Evoker with only robes and special magical items for protection.
◊ The Evoker's skill in combat with weapons is poor. They are dwarfed by virtually every other caste Front line battle troops they are not.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
15th Level - Pro' from 1st level spells. Immune to harmful 1st level spells.
25th Level - Pro' from 2nd level spells. Immune to harmful 1st-2nd level spells.
35th Level - Pro' from 3rdt level spells. Immune to harmful 1st-3rd level spells.
Warlock (Uses Enchanter Spells)
◊ Spell-weavers to the extreme. A special caste of Enchanters that thrives on the use of arcane magics.
◊ Specialize in Spell Casting, To the exclusion of anything else, Warlocks cast spells. In physical combat they are pathetic. In magical combat they are lethal.
◊ Armor or Weapons - Extremely limited.
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
25th Level - Absorbs Spell Energy From Attacks: When hit with magic spells, they can absorb some of the energy to recharge their own spell points.
36th Level - Absorbs Spell Points: Will recharge spell points at a faster rate.
Warrior Wizard Castes:
Battle Mage (Uses Sorcerer Spells, Can't Use Scroll Cases)
◊ Use the arcane powers of magic to weave spells as well as weapons. Though not capable of reaching the highest level of either spell casting or warrior skill, they are much more capable with arms than almost any other magical caste.
◊ Armor or Weapons - may use most types in combat to include some types of missile weapons.
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound - 2% at all Skill Levels. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
15th Level - Pro' from 1st level spells. Immune to harmful 1st level spells.
30th Level - Pro' from 2nd level spells. Immune to harmful 1st-2nd level spells.
45th Level - Pro' from 3rdt level spells. Immune to harmful 1st-3rd level spells.
Dabbler (Uses Sorcerer Spells, Can't Use Scroll Cases)
◊ Warriors - excel in the art of combat but to a lesser extent that the hard-core warriors such as Fighters and Crusaders. However, they do have one advantage. They like to dabble in the arts of magic. Believing a small amount of magic during battle can be a good thing they gain the ability to cast low level spells at the 5th skill level.
◊ Armor and Weapons - may use most types with a few exceptions.
◊ Attacks Per Round - will increase as they gain Skill Levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the Appendix.)
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound - 3% at all Skill Levels. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
◊ Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels:
20th Level - Pro' from 1st level spells. Immune to harmful 1st level spells.
Crusader (Uses Sorcerer Spells, Can't Use Scroll Cases)
◊ Holy warriors, a special type of fighter who can cast Priest spells when they gain enough Skill Levels.
◊ Armor and Weapons - may use any type of armor or weapon except missile weapons and some special weapons.
◊ Attacks Per Round - will increase as they gain Skill Levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the Appendix.)
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound - 3% at all Skill Levels. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
◊ Capable of Turning Starting at Skill Level 4. (Turning destroys or changes the alliance of Undead and lesser Demons, Daemons and Devils.)
◊ Ability to cast Priest spells when they reach Skill Level 7.
◊ Ability to use any scroll Crusaders can cast any spell from a scroll.
◊ Due to the purity and holy nature of the caste, they are always affected by "Magical Aura".
Minstrel (Uses Enchanter Spells, Can't Use Scroll Cases)
◊ Music has a mystical link to magic in the Realmz, and a Minstrel is a wandering musician who uses that link to good effect. Though they gain proficiency in their craft rapidly during their early career, later advancement becomes fairly difficult. The use of musical instruments helps to hone and strengthen their talents.
◊ Armor or Weapons - Though dedicated to their craft, Minstrels are free to study the arts of war, if they so choose. A wide range of armor is available, though gloves must allow free enough movement to play instruments and armor must allow for chest expansion. Minstrels may use all but the largest and most complicated weapons.
◊ Attacks Per Round - will increase as they gain Skill Levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the Appendix.)
◊ Cast Low Level Spells - When a Minstrel reaches the 4th skill level, they begin to receive spell points, and can access 1st level Enchanter spells. Though they never advance beyond the weakest of regular magics, their spell points aid in the singing of powerful Minstrel songs, their own impressive form of magic. Many instruments may increase a Minstrel's spell points.
◊ Chance on Any Successful Attack to Cause a Major Wound: 4% plus 1% per level. (A Major Wound hit doubles the damage for that attack.)
As your character performs deeds both courageous and cowardly his prestige will change. This is a score based on many different factors such as the amount of enemies they have killed or how often they are hit themselves.
Your prestige score is displayed at the top of the character record screen. You can also click a button "Prestige Details" to see a complete breakdown of your characters deeds in combat.
Things such as getting killed, missing in combat or failing to DRVs Spells in combat can all affect hour prestige in a negative way.
When you view Prestige Details, Scores in White affect you in a bad way where as Green scores help your prestige.
How prestige points are calculated:
Positive Prestige Points are calculated:
+ (Damage Given - Damage Taken) / 20 (This could be negative)
+ Hits Given
+ Attacks Dodged
+ 2 x Undead Destroyed
+ 3 x Undead Turned
+ 3 x Enemies Killed (Excluding Destroyed Undead Via Turning)
Negative Prestige Points are calculated:
- 2 x Hits Taken
- 2 x Missed Attacks
- 3 x Number of Spells Cast in Combat
- 35 x Times You Were Knocked Unconscious
- 75 x Times You Were Killed In Combat
- Running away in combat will add 200 points to your prestige penelty with a net result of -200 to your prestige score.